2014 Postharvest Technology Short Course Scholarship Recipient Selected

Mar 30, 2014

We are pleased to announce that Chiamaka Nwammadu has been selected as the top applicant who met the stated goals of the 2014 Postharvst Technology Short Course scholarship. Ms. Nwammadu is a M. Sc. student at the Federal University of Technology in Owerri, Nigeria.

The goal of the scholarship opportunity, funded primarily by a trust created by Leonard and Marseille Morris, is to provide an individual from a developing country the opportunity to learn about managing the postharvest handling of horticultural crops with an intent to take that information back to their home country and utilize it to benefit others in their region.

The UC Cooperative Extension Specialists who reviewed the applications had nearly three times the number of applications to review as the previous year. Extensive time and care was taken to carefully review the 140 applications submitted online for the scholarship.

Chiamaka was very excited to be selected for this scholarship opportunity, stating, "I am looking foward to having an expert training on postharvest handling of horticultural crops and I am also excited about the field trip. As an M.SC student I have not really had a practical training on postharvest handling of horticultural crops. I am also looking forward to meeting my fellow researchers on postharvest technology. I am just very excited and I can't wait for June. The most interesting part is that June 16th is my birthday."

The scholarship includes enrollment, course materials, lodging while attending the course, transportation from the airport, and a per diem for food not included in the course.  Ms. Nwammadu will obtain additional scholarships to assist her with personal expenses as well as travel to the United States from Nigeria.

By Mary E. Reed
Author - Program Representative