Moving forward on grants program, Goal 5 and YFC support

Feb 10, 2017

This week Program Council met. On the agenda was 1) plans to engage the Strategic Initiative leaders (with Statewide Program and Institute Directors) in the early stages of Goal 5, to set the stage, so to speak and 2) preparation and finalizing plans for reviewing submissions to the ANR Competitive Grants Program. The goal of this conversation was to identify ways to simultaneously improve the outcome for the PI and streamline the time commitment required by the review panel. We also finalized plans to release a matching grants program so look for an announcement about that soon!

Have you met Mack? He arrived on February 7th, weighing in at 8 lb, 8 oz. Congratulations to Katie Panarella and family! Michael Anthony is a cutie! I hope that everyone is getting some sleep.

This week plans were released for recruiting a Program Integration Coordinator for the youth, families and communities program followed by hiring of additional support for the Master Food Preserver (MFP) and 4-H programs. Missy, Shannon and Katie did a great job looking forward and thinking how best to position the programs while at the same time developing a strategy to relieve some of the administrative work. The plan they presented to leadership was impressive and shaped by the survey of needs they conducted back in the fall. They are currently working on a position description for the Program Integration Coordinator position that will outline the major duties. The overarching intent of this position is to provide greater capacity to coordinate integrated programming and be responsible for identifying and pursuing grant opportunities that support projects at the county and state level. The 4-H Data Systems Analyst position was envisioned as a way to streamline and centralize administrative functions related to the 4hOnline enrollment system thus providing some relief at the county level. The MFP & Food Entrepreneurship Coordinator position is intended to align the MFP more with Nutrition, Families and Consumer Sciences program (NFCS) while bringing the connection with cottage foods, ag innovation and food security into focus. Responsibilities for the remaining two positions (each less than full-time at this point) have been outlined as part of their proposal to leadership and will be finalized this spring while we recruit for the Program Integration Coordinator position. Keep your eyes out for more information on those positions.

Well, all of the Annual Evaluation and Merit Review documents are completed and uploaded. I hope this makes for a more relaxing weekend for everyone!

By Wendy Powers
Author - Associate Vice President, Agriculture and Natural Resources