In need of a time out

Nov 19, 2017

In need of a time out

Nov 19, 2017

My mind is full. The result of taking on some additional responsibilities while we try to fill some vacancies is that my calendar is running me. Last week was packed. From arriving in DC on Saturday and all-day meetings Sunday and Monday, to flying back on Tuesday just in time for a few brief minutes at the New Administrator Orientation followed by a 3+-hour meeting with R&E Council that was idea-rich, to the night drive to Visalia so I could meet with the REC directors, business officers, and superintendents all day Thursday into the evening then half-day Friday before driving back, I didn't have a chance to sort thoughts and even now haven't fully processed things.

In between there have been conversations about moving forward with the Public Value Statements now that Condition Changes are complete, and reviewing documents to prepare for both Strategic Plan updates and accountability against our goals as well as documents and talking points to prepare for a deep dive on UC ANR's budget.

All of these things position us for continued success, as success rarely just happens. However, I could use a timeout to provide some quiet time so that I can process everything. I'm sure most of us have taken a Myers-Briggs Type Instrument assessment. Surprisingly, and following an expanded version of the assessment tool, I learned that I land close to the middle in all categories but one. But because the intent is to type each participant, I am typed as an INTJ. {For reference, it is the “T” (vs “F”) where I am clearly a “T”.} Perhaps the commute this upcoming week will give me some time to work through what I heard, saw, and learned last week.

UC ANR welcomes a number of new faces, including Mary Bonaparte- Saller who is a Youth Development Advisor in Orange County. Mary started October 9th and I have had the opportunity to meet her at the New Employee Orientation last month. I haven't had a chance to meet either of the 2 Advisors who joined UC ANR most recently. Please welcome Kari Arnold, Advisor in Area Orchard and Vineyard Systems, based in Modesto with programmatic responsibilities in Stanislaus and San Joaquin Counties and Michael Rethwisch, Advisor in Crop Production and Entomology, headquartered in Blythe (Palo Verde Valley), with programmatic responsibilities in Riverside County. Michael has returned to UC ANR, to the same office where he was located previously. We are pleased to have Mary, Kari and Michael on board!

New faces are exciting for UC ANR! At a time when there are many changes going on, welcoming new colleagues/friends/peers is one of perhaps few ‘changes' that is always welcome. There seems to be no shortage of change going on, from policies, to reports and training needs, to budget accommodations, and insufficient hands on deck, change is challenging and a source for stress. I think many could use a time out right now. Fortunately we have a bit of a break coming up – time to renew and refresh our outlook.

By Wendy Powers
Author - Associate Vice President, Agriculture and Natural Resources