Grateful for things both big and small

Nov 22, 2017

Grateful for things both big and small

Amidst the meetings and phone calls, and errands, and everyday life interruptions, this is the week we reflect on those things for which we are thankful.

Nobody ever said life was always easy. All around us are challenging circumstances, whether it be in the office or with the greater organization, or at home. I gave a presentation at the Davis ANR staff meeting several months back and shared that I have led a charmed life. It's true. I've never known real hunger. I've always had a roof over my head and a window to look out from. I've never lived with war right outside my window. I don't suffer from any debilitating or life-threatening disease. So I don't really know what ‘hard' is. If things at work are crazy hectic, it is largely of my own choosing.

UC ANR truly is amazing. In a meeting just yesterday, we learned from Kathy Eftekari, a facilitator from UCOP who lead us through the development of our strategic plan and is now leading us through an annual review of it, that other units in UCOP really like our big goal: UC ANR will be recognized by every Californian for having made a positive difference in their lives. At first, it appears to be, perhaps, lofty and focused on getting credit for what we do. However, the impetus behind the wording is that we have such a positive impact that people take notice and seek us out. What's not to like about that? What makes UC ANR amazing isn't that we have the goal but that we can achieve it because of the people all across the state doing all kinds of things from research, to program delivery, to program development, to administration and support of the programs and people. UC ANR is the umbrella for UCCE, AES and the RECs and it is that composite of entities that sets us apart from other state and provides the platform to reach our goal. I see it in the work around the state and I hear it in the conversations, even those tackling tough topics about practices and processes. The people of UC ANR are great thinkers and exceptional achievers.

I'm thankful:

  • For the amazing experiences I have had at UC ANR
  • My immediate family is now here in California
  • For the hospitality shown by the offices and facilities I have visited over the last year
  • That UC ANR is full of outstanding talent in every aspect of the Division and that talent is committed to the mission and vision
  • That the Pepsi machine in the ANR Davis building also vends Diet Coke (a nice collaboration)
  • For the opportunity to work with people I like and live with people I love
  • For 2 weeks without significant travel
  • That we all have a few days of R&R, knowing that, more likely than not, we will all be back on Monday

Enjoy your time away from work and with family and friends. We have so much for which to be grateful.

By Wendy Powers
Author - Associate Vice President, Agriculture and Natural Resources