Feedback Sought for Development of new Short Course

Jan 13, 2012

The UC Davis Postharvest Technology Center has the opportunity to develop a new condensed short course for 2012 that will look at "Emerging Postharvest Technologies for California Agriculture."

Please help us establish the course curriculum by taking a few minutes to let us know about your company's biggest postharvest handling challenges, and the technologies about which you would like to know more.  You can use the linked survey to provide us with your feedback.

If you give us your contact information at the end of the survey, you will be entered in a drawing to win one of two $250 certificates to use toward your choice of our course offerings!  Please fill out the Postharvest Technology Center's survey by January 21, 2012.   Winners will be contacted and announced on the Center's web site by January 31, 2012. 

Thank you for your help, your feedback is extremely valuable.

By Mary E. Reed
Author - Program Representative

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