UCCE weighs in on ch-, ch-, ch-, chia

Feb 20, 2008

When a new health fad hits the airwaves, reporters know they can turn to UC Cooperative Extension for sound, sensible input. That's what Barbara Feder Ostrov of the San Jose Mercury News did for a story on chia, a food best known for the fact that it grows, curiously, on the outside of pots. Who hasn't see the television commercials showing pots shaped like animals or even a human head spouting the green grass-like growth of chia seeds?

According to Ostrov's article, chia seeds are the newest health rage. They are are high in protein, fiber, calcium and higher in omega-3 fatty acids than flax seeds, the story says. Online retailers report rising sales and the product was plugged on CBS News and Oprah Winfrey's show.

For the voice of reason, Ostrov turned to UC Cooperative Extension nutrition specialist Sheri Zidenberg-Cherr of UC Davis.

"I don't recommend it as a cure-all, but as a way to get more of what's healthy into our diets," Zidenberg-Cherr is quoted. Chia seeds, she said, "deserve more study."

By Jeannette E. Warnert
Author - Communications Specialist