UC farm advisor comments on valley strawberries

Apr 16, 2008

Yesterday, the Fresno Bee ran a story about opening of roadside stands selling local strawberries. For the article, reporter Dennis Pollock spoke to UC Cooperative Extension small farm advisor Richard Molinar.

Pollock reported that only 25 strawberry farms remain in the county, down from 45 ten years ago. Most of the growers are Hmong and Mien, refugees from Laos.

Many farmers quit growing the fruit because of urbanization, costs for fumigants and unavailability of contracts with processors, Molinar said, according to the story. Wawona Frozen Foods stopped buying from area growers several years ago, and last year Dole Packaged Frozen Foods Inc. closed its Sanger receiving facility.

"That means growers would have to take their strawberries to the Dole plant in Atwater," Molinar is quoted.

Molinar told the reporter that valley strawberries need fewer or no spray treatments for mold prevention because of the dry climate.The crop this year looks good -- "as long as we don't get any rains," Molinar is quoted.


By Jeannette E. Warnert
Author - Communications Specialist

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Molinar works with Southeast Asian farmers.