Thoughts on the Haven at Fifteen

Thoughts on the Haven at Fifteen

The Haven was created in 2009: we celebrate our 15th anniversary this year. I joined the garden in 2012 and was tasked with creating an outreach and education program. Tours, social media pages, classes, and this blog soon followed. This will end in June, when my position at the Haven is being eliminated.

I've enjoyed introducing so many of you to bees, providing information about gardens and bees, and answering your questions. Working with our amazing volunteers and donors has been extraordinary.

This blog is a short reflection on what I've learned from this work. Look for additional posts throughout May that will provide more bee gardening information, including resources beyond the Haven.

Some random thoughts:

  • Children often arrive at the Haven afraid of bees but leave excited to learn more. If you are an adult with children in your life, take advantage of their curiosity to teach them about the natural world. Events like the UC Davis Biodiversity Museum Day are a great place to start. 
  • You're probably overwatering your garden. Irrigation information for California gardens is here
  • Go on as many garden tours as you can. There's always more to learn. 
  • There's a lot of bad gardening information on social media. Stick with reputable sources like universities, government agencies, and good independent garden centers.
  • In shared public spaces, please don't litter or use a speakerphone.
  • Small public gardens and museums are passionate about what we do but operate with minimal resources. Please give what you can and understand that we can't always meet every need or provide all the programs we'd like to.
  • Support local nurseries and plant sales.
  • Pick up after your dog and leash them in areas where it's required.
  • Leave some bare soil for ground-nesting bees.
  • There's always room for one more plant.


View of the UC Davis Bee Haven in June

By Christine Casey
Author - Academic Program Management Officer III