Volunteer Training April 3rd!

Mar 7, 2013

We need your help in promoting locally produced food in Placer and Nevada Counties!

UCCE Placer/Nevada is working to promote specialty crops at the farmers markets by conducting tasting/sampling events and by distributing produce cards and vouchers to farmers’ market shoppers.  These activities are supported by a Specialty Crop Block Grant from the CDFA.

In January and February of this year, we held 5 tasting events at the Auburn Farmers’ Market.  During this time, we distributed 1350 samples, 800 produce cards, and over $4000 of produce vouchers to farmers’ market shoppers.  By all accounts, these events were a rousing success, and have had a lasting impact on market sales.

In order to continue making an impact, we need your help! We need volunteers who are excited about local food to help us with these tastings, as each event requires several people in the farmers’ market booth to help prepare and hand out samples and information.  We will be training volunteers for the upcoming year on Wednesday, April 3rd, from 6-9 PM at the UCCE office in Auburn. For more information and a detailed job description for volunteers, click here:  http://ucanr.org/sites/placernevadasmallfarms/?calitem=184643&g=22527