A Real Stinker

Sep 19, 2013

A Real Stinker

Sep 19, 2013

Some of you may have already heard but it is official, the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) has moved into Northern California – specifically the Sacramento area. It is a native of Asia where it has evolved with plenty of predators.  Unfortunately those predators have not made their way here with the BMSB so it is taking off mostly unchecked.  They feed on many types of fruit from stone fruits to melons to corn and tomatoes, and dare I say it, wine grapes! And to add insult to injury, the BMSB likes to congregate in lit areas at nights and overwinter in sheltered spots – think your home! When disturbed, they live up to their name of stink bug.

So, what’s a gardener to do? Since this is a new invader we are still in the identify and report stage.  If you find something you suspect might be a BMSB, bring a sample along with the date and location where it was found, to the UC Master Gardener office or the County Ag Commisioner’s office for identification.  Below is the UC pest note on the BMSB and some specifics on what the BMSB looks like. 
