What's Growing On? Yields from a 2013 Vegetable Plot

Jan 24, 2014

As you pore over seed catalogs and dream about what is possible in your 2014 garden, have a look at the bounty that Master Gardener Alison Collin received from her garden last summer. Thanks, Alison, for the detailed records and for the notes on what worked and what didn't. All this for $80 in supplies, plus - I suspect - a few hours of labor!

Yields from 17 x 30 veggie plot in Bishop, CA

Green Pole Beans, Fasold. (6)            11.6lbs

Onion Sets (12)                                   9.48 lbs

Onion Seed, Golden Grandee (17)     17.84 lb

Summer Squash, Magda (2)                74.83lb

Summer Squash, Golden Egg (2)       31lbs

Summer Squash, Zephyr (2)               8lbs

Winter squash, Sunshine (1)               22lbs

Winter Squash, Early Butternut (2)    9.64lbs

Slicing Cucumber, Tanja (2), Burpless(1)       42lbs

Tomato, Pineapple Cordon (1)            6lbs

Tomato, Pineapple unpruned (1)         14.78lb

Tomato, Juliet (1)                                29lbs

Tomato, Golden Gem (1)                    12lbs

Ground Cherry, Pineapple (4)             5.8lbs

Snap Peas, Oregon (8ft)                      3lbs

Sugar Peas, Sugar Bon (8ft)               2.3lbs.

Early Potatoes, Victoria (5)                8.6lbs

Early Potatoes, purple (2)                   3.5lbs

Early Potatoes, Red la Soda (5)          4.21lbs

Early Potatoes, Cal White (5)             10lbs

Carrot, Tendersweet (8ft)                   4.5lbs

Carrot, Danvers Half Long* (8ft)       10.37lb

Parsnip, Gladiator, Albion* (17ft)      12.9lbs

Leeks, American Flag*           (12ft)   3lbs (trimmed)

Cabbage, Wakefield* (1)                    2.34lb

Pepper, California Wonder.(3)            .75lb

Melon, Amy (3)                                  12.56lb


Produce from rest of garden

Raspberries                              1.8lbs

Strawberries, Chandler (12)    4.34lbs

Strawberries, Sparkle (12)       6lbs

Rhubarb (2)                             2.59lbs

Black Currant, Crandall (2)    0.9 lbs

Peach, early (1)                       149.4lbs

Peach, late (1)                         109.72lbs

Pear, Bartlett (1)                     82.76lbs

Grape, Thompson’s Seedless  26.62lbs

Raspberry (12)                        2lbs



() denotes number of plants or length of row.

  • *Denotes that there are still several plants to be harvested over winter.
  • Although I tried to weigh everything, occasionally produce was given away prior to weighing, and grandchildren (and I) snacked on a good deal of produce out of hand which has not been included!
  • Weights were after trimming such things as carrot tops.
  • There was some waste which has not been included e.g. many of the carrots did not get harvested early enough and became split so were unusable and thus not included. Many peaches could not be reached, or were damaged.
  • Crop failures included beetroot, spinach, apples, Contender and scarlet runner beans. (some produce but very small total).
  • Potatoes were harvested as “new”potatoes, and yields would have been considerably higher if they had been left to mature.
  • $80 spent on seed (have enough for more plantings).
  • 1 pouch of Miracle Grow used during season, using up “left overs”. Otherwise, only compost was used.

By Alison Collin

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