Dogs in the Garden

Jun 16, 2014

My M.A. Foley, Butte County Master Gardener, June 6, 2014

Dogs in our gardens can present many challenges. Dogs want to please their owner....usually, but the very nature of the beast does not always coincide with the humans gardening expectations.  Dog can wear paths through yards in unexpected and unplanned places.  They might dig unsightly holes, which can disturb plant roots or even dig up entire plants.  Dog urine deposited on lawns can kill the grass, resulting in brown spots, while plants and shrubs sprayed with dog urine may look scorched or burned.   If any of these scenarios sound familiar, it is time to consider how best to achieve that delicate balance between plants, gardener and dogs.

Worn Doggie Trails and Sleeping Spots

The heavily trodden paths that appear in the garden may be a good indication that the gardener should just go with the flow by adding a pebble path, mulch or pavers to the dog's well-traveled path to enhance its appearance.  Dogs that pace or charge to the fence to protect their territory create paths that are in the natural flow of their lives.

With creativity, barriers may encourage the dog to alter its route. Planting large shrubs in the path and staking them firmly is one possibility.  Large rocks or boulders may help change a course of travel. Large wire tomato cones can be anchored upside down to protect plants from being trod upon (sharp wire ends should be bent over to protect large enthusiastic dogs from potential injury).

Dogs may stretch out to rest on top of plants, flattening a garden bed in seconds. Keep a look out for places your dog likes to lie.  If you want to plant something in those spots, the strategic placement of large rocks can deter your dog from napping there. The rocks create an uncomfortable deterrent while adding natural and pleasing hard surfaces to a planter bed. No rock can ever be too big; the bigger the better.

Why Do Dogs Dig?

The ASPCA reminds us that our pet dogs share the desire with their wild ancestors to sleep in and under things that resemble a den. They often dig at the ground and circle before lying down, as though they're trying to make a softer resting place.  Dogs also dig when trying to get warm, stay cool, entertain themselves, bury valued items, or when hunting ground-dwelling animals. Some dogs dig an escape route to end loneliness, boredom and confinement.

Some dogs dig holes to consume soil, roots, and other organic material. They tend to be selective about the soil they consume, so this kind of digging is usually restricted to very specific areas.  For example, dogs may mine for bone meal amendment, so you might well expect your dog to dig up and eat the bone meal you used to fertilize your bulbs, pulling out the bulbs in the process.

If your dog digs a hole underneath a shrub and lies in the hole to keep cool, you could try providing an alternative cool spot for Rover's naps.  Elevated dog beds on thin platforms allow for air flow under a dog's body.  Such a bed could create a cooling effect in the shade close to the ground.  A child's pool of very shallow water for cooling may prevent your dog from undertaking major excavations under low shrubs.