August in the Garden

Aug 14, 2014

To all the lovely people, 

Here are the gardening suggestions for August in our area - 

I know that this season has been a challenge with the water shortage but watering can be kept to a minimum by having lots of organic material incorporated into the soil and by mulching. I water by hand once a week and because of the winter cover crop, compost and mulch this years garden has done well. 

In planning for the future please consider planting cover crop after our first rain or in early November. Even small areas can benefit from a winter cover crop. Also, compost everything green from your garden (property) by tilling it in or collecting, shedding and hot composting. If this is done in the fall the compost will be ready to use easily by next spring. Please write if you have any questions.



Northern California Coastal & Inland Valleys

August, 2014 Regional Report

Reduce Watering of Tomatoes

Cut back on watering tomatoes now to promote good flavor development. Tomatoes have very deep roots and can thrive on their own for a week or more. The less you water (within reason), the better your tomatoes will taste.

Care for Rhododendrons

This is your last chance to prune and shape rhododendrons, camellias, and azaleas before they begin to set their buds for next spring. Fertilize the plants with a high-acid fertilizer specifically formulated for these plants, and place a layer of mulch around the drip line to prevent brown edges on the leaves.

Pinch Fuchsias

Keep fuchsias pinched back to prolong bloom. Fuchsias bloom on new wood only. The formation of seed will signal the plant to stop blooming. Keeping the branches tipped will promote bushy growth and multiple blooms. Use a 0-10-10 fertilizer, and keep the soil moist.

Create a Birdbath

Provide a source of water for birds in your garden. You will be amazed at how many insects a hungry sparrow can devour. Think of it as your reward for setting out a birdbath. Keep the water clean and fresh, and place a rock in the center so smaller birds can enjoy a bath too.

Trim Overgrown Vines

Vines such as wisteria, ivy, trumpet vine, and clematis will escape into trees or buildings if not kept under control. Cut off long stringers that are headed for trouble. Check vining plants every few weeks throughout the growing season. They are a sneaky lot.