Last week really had its ups and downs

Jul 16, 2017

Last week has really had its ups and downs, literally. I had a chance to take a drive through Amador County and get a close up of the snow that remains in the hills. Long and winding roads, but a beautiful drive! I was not out visiting county offices on this trip but I look forward to stopping in to meet all who make things happen and learn about the county programs the next time I am there. I have to admit, I prefer the Rt. 88 route over taking I-80, time permitting. That wasn't the case a couple weeks ago when I was in Salt Lake City, but this time, the intermittent interstate closing due to fires provided the right incentive to take the scenic route. Following my return, I headed down to Desert REC. The last time I was there Chris Greer and I traveled from San Diego to DREC late enough in the day that it was dark so I really didn't notice the elevation. As I recall, we were more focused on the snow that was falling and the possibility of slippery roads. What a difference 6 months and daylight makes! Despite the heat, Gilberto was kind enough to show us around the facility and talk about the research taking place, not to mention the highly successful  FARM SMART program that brings in 12,000 visitors per year to learn about agriculture practices and contribution to the region's economy. As I made my way along during each of those trips, I found that I would think I had just gone downhill only to see the next sign that indicated otherwise. It was difficult to stay oriented making me wonder how often I presume one thing, such as a downward trend, when it later turns out that things were on the upswing all along.

Information sessions around the state are coming up, beginning the week after next. This week Program Council meets via Zoom for an abbreviated meeting. One topic for the meeting is the upcoming position call process that begins in January 2018. Year-end budget things are winding down and the FY17-18 budget allocations are undergoing final review. We have some new County Directors across the state who are transitioning into their roles well. Along those same lines, I hope the recent retirees are enjoying their new role; many have emeritus work plans in place. It's hard to believe we are on the downhill side of summer. Of course in the other direction we are climbing towards something better. Before summer is over, I really need to get to a few more county offices.


By Wendy Powers
Author - Associate Vice President, Agriculture and Natural Resources