Upcoming Extension Meetings: July 2018

Whether you need continuing education credits or are interested in keeping abreast of the latest weed science-related research occurring in California (or both), you should be aware that there are three excellet extension events coming up in July of 2018.


Diagnosing Herbicide Symptoms Short Course

When: July 10, 2018 - July 11, 2018

Where: UC Davis Bowley Plant Science Teaching Center, Extension Center Dr. Davis, CA 95616

What: The Diagnosing Herbicide Symptoms 2018 course is an intensive 1.5-day course focusing on how an herbicide injury situation can arise, what types of information can help diagnose herbicide problems during field investigations, and what tools are available to you. The course provides a rare opportunity for professionals to efficiently update their understanding of herbicide symptoms and injuries and interact with experts in this field. The Diagnosing Herbicide Symptoms course is designed for pest control advisers, sales representatives for chemical companies, field investigators, and insurance adjusters.

This course is approved for the following: PCA, QAC, QAL, and Private Applicator - 8.0 Other and Certified Crop Adviser - 7.0 IPM, 1.0 PD

More information (including cost and agenda) is available at the UC WeedRIC website: http://wric.ucdavis.edu/events/diagnosing_herbicide_symptoms_2018.htm


UC Weed Day

When: July 12, 2018

Where: UC Davis Buehler Alumni Center, Alumni Lane and Mrak Hall Drive, Davis, CA 95616

What: Come to the 62nd annual Weed Day event and find out what the latest University of California weed science research is. The event begins with a morning field tour of the UC Davis weed science research plots. Buses will depart promptly at 8:15 AM from the Buehler Alumni Center, UC Davis. Lunch and afternoon presentations will be indoors in the Buehler Alumni Center. In the Buehler Alumni Center, UC faculty, staff and students will present information on projects that are not in-season for viewing or research located off-campus. Presentations will include basic research showing the scope of the Weed Science Program.

Pest control advisors, pesticide applicators, growers, farm advisors, chemical company cooperators, college faculty and students, and regulatory officials should not miss this event. Space is limited, so register early. This course is approved for CA CCA - 4.5 IPM, 1.0 CM; Credits for PCA, QAC, QAL, and Private Applicator are still pending.
More information about the cost and the agenda can be found at the UC Weed RIC Website: http://wric.ucdavis.edu/events/weed_day_2018.html
2018 Hot Topics in Integrated Weed Management
When: July 19, 2018
Where: McCay Hall, 2820 Highway 140, Catheys Valley, CA 95306
What: This extension meeting will focus on weed-related issues with respect to integrated pest management. Topics will include: CE renewal requirements, DPR's residue monitoring program,worker health and safety update, pesticide use reporting, weed adaptations to management, and the use of fire to manage invasive weed species. 5.5 Hours of Continuing Education Including 3.5 Hours Laws and Regulations Continuing Education DPR Code M-0832-18
See the UCCE Mariposa County site for more information: http://cemariposa.ucanr.edu/?calitem=416602&g=37458