Solstice week activity

Jun 18, 2018

Solstice week activity

Jun 18, 2018

In between finishing up the merit and promotion packages, I did some gardening this weekend. My favorite plant on the property was in bloom. Unfortunately, it's not one of the plants that needs thinning and clearly doesn't spread like so many others we have (trumpet vines, calla lilies, cannas, among others) and I have no idea what it is. So consider this a trivia question and let me know if you recognize this plant.


Some think gardening is relaxing. I seem to approach it more as a full contact sport. I guess it's a matter of perspective. For example, I'm challenged to find the benefits to dividing California into 3 states but, clearly others find this a good idea. Who knows, I may be enlightened over the next few months. Right now, I struggle to see what such a change would mean to the University of California system. That could definitely make deciding between the Blue, the Gold, or a modified state for UC ANR appear a much simpler task.

Before the end of the week I need to put together a presentation about ‘what UC ANR program delivery looks like' to share with the ANR Advisory Committee early next week. I haven't decided yet what that presentation looks like. In the meantime, we have our annual meeting with President Napolitano on Thursday afternoon. We'll focus on progress made on our strategic plan goals. If you haven't visited the strategic plan website lately, take a look at the document now posted that provides updates on recent accomplishments. This will be updated 3 to 4 times per year so stop back in a few months to review the updated version.

One of the accomplishments outlined is the development of shared positions through new partnerships. As a result of a new financial partnership with NRCS, Anthony Fulford has joined UC ANR! Anthony started today as a CE Advisor, Nutrient Management and Soil Quality, based in Modesto, CA, with programmatic responsibilities in Stanislaus, Merced and San Joaquin Counties. Please take a minute to welcome Anthony.

Thursday is also the second WebANR where Nancy Franz will be joining us to talk about how the Public Value Statements are a strategy to help focus one's efforts, among other purposes. Like last month's webinar, it will be recorded in case you are unable to join the conversation live.

With Thursday promising to be a busy day, I'll be sure to give you an update on anything exciting that may happen. In the meantime, I'm staying out of the garden.

Make good use of the longest day of 2018!

By Wendy Powers
Author - Associate Vice President, Agriculture and Natural Resources