Upcoming Extension Meetings: August 2018

There are several meetings featuring the research of UC ANR Staff coming up this month (August 2018). Directions to sites can be obtained through the UCCE Merced Agronomy and Weed Science Upcoming Events web page: http://ucanr.edu/sites/agronomyweedscience/Upcoming_Events/


1. West Side Pest Management Update

This meeting will cover a variety of topics including vegetable insect and disease management, the biology and ecology of field bindweed, and the management of field bindweed in agronomic and specialty crops. 

Date: August 15, 2018

Time: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: UC Westside Research and Extension Center


Event Schedule:

8:30 Welcome and introduction Tom Turini, UCCE Advisor Fresno

8:35 Recent research on vegetable insect and disease management Tom Turini

8:55 Field bindweed biology and ecology Lynn Sosnoskie, UCCE Advisor Merced/Madera

9:15 Bindweed management in annual systems Scott Stoddard,  UCCE Advisor Merced/Madera

9:35 Bindweed management in perennial crops Kurt Hembree, UCCE Advisor Fresno

9:55 Bindweed control discussion

10:25 Break

10:40 Recent research on Fusarium diseases of tomato Cassandra Swett, UC Davis Department of Plant Pathology

11:10 Resistance breaking strains of TSWV and Beet curly top virus research Robert Gilbertson, UC Davis Department of Plant Pathology

11:45 Adjourn


2. Warm Season Cover Crops Field Day

Warm season cover crops are an underused tool in California agriculture. Their use can “add value” during a fallow “window” within a production cropping system.Field Day participants will get a close look at a replicated warm season cover crop trial at the PMC with 11 species and four cowpea cultivars after 60 days of growth.

Date: August 22, 2018

Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: Lockeford Plant Materials Center


Tentative Agenda
10:00 - Margaret Smither-Kopperl, PMC Manager - Welcome

10:05 - Scott Park - A Producers Experience with Warm Season Cover Crops

10:25 - Valerie Bullard, PMC Agronomist - Warm Season Cover Crops

10:50 - Gill Costa, Sentek Technologies - Moisture Sensors for Irrigation  Water Monitoring

11:10 - Michelle Leinefelder-Miles and Brenna Aegerter, UC Extension -   Cover crops, Soil Health and Greenhouse Gas Study

11:30 - Z. Kabir, NRCS Regional Soil Health Specialist - Timing of Warm Season Cover Crops

11:45 - Wendy Rash, District Conservationist - NRCS Programs and Cover Crops

11:55 - Margaret Smither-Kopperl - Conclusions and Questions


3. Annual California Rice Field Day

The purpose of the Rice Field Day is to give rice growers and opportunity to observe and discuss research in progress at the RES. Program highlights will include information about variety improvement, disease resistance, and insect and weed control. 

Date: August 29, 2018

Time: 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Location: California Rice Experiment Station



7:30-8:30 a.m. Registration, posters and demonstrations

8:30-9:15 a.m. General session: CCRRF membership report, rice research trust report, California rice industry award

9:30-12:00 p.m. Field tours of rice research: variety improvement, disease resistance, insect control, weed control

12:00 p.m. Lunch