Focused on water this week

Aug 13, 2018

Focused on water this week

Aug 13, 2018

This week I am on vacation. For me, if it doesn't involve water, it's not vacation. But that doesn't mean I'm not thinking about what's going on in California and UC ANR. Several times I have been reminded of UC ANR when I have passed signs that reference the local Cooperative Extension or applied research mission of the University of Georgia. Now that I've been to my first 4-H camp, I've been sizing up other camps and I must say that the one in southern Georgia looks good to me. It has a strong marine environment component complete with kayaks excursions in the backyard tidal marsh. Just a couple miles away, on the same island, is a turtle rescue center that is both a 4-H project and a research project for the University.

At the last Program Council meeting, we received an update on the 4-H Strategic Plan that is nearly complete. While marine science won't be a strong focus in the statewide plan, STEM will remain one of the initiatives, giving flexibility for local programs to highlight water resources where appropriate. During that same meeting Program Council also reviewed the progress on the strategic plan for the California Institute for Water Resources

In between wildlife viewing, I do need to work on a document this week that is for distribution to new UC ANR academics. Mark Bell worked with a group of CE Specialists and Advisors to develop the document that provides an overview of UC ANR and the campuses with the intent of sharing this document with new UC ANR academics. That document was recently reviewed by Program Council with feedback due last week. Given the number of recent hires, I'm eager to get the document readied for sending.

Peter Larbi started today (August 13th) as a CE Specialist in agricultural application engineering. Peter is based at the Kearney Research Extension Center. Please welcome Peter to UC ANR. I didn't get a chance to meet Peter in person during the recent engineering society meeting in Detroit so I am looking forward to that opportunity.

Back to vacation. We are on the lookout for wild horses, dolphin, and brown pelicans tomorrow. Who knows what we will find during our adventure.

By Wendy Powers
Author - Associate Vice President, Agriculture and Natural Resources