Upcoming Extension Meetings: December 2018

Nov 15, 2018
Water Measuring and Reporting Shortcourse
Senate Bill 88 requires that all water right holders who have previously diverted or intend to divert more than 10 acre-feet per year (riparian and pre-1914 claims), or who are authorized to divert more than 10 acre-feet per year under a permit, license, or registration, to measure and report the water they divert
On December 3rd, 2018 (1:00-4:30 pm), UCCE Merced and the Merced County Farm Bureau will be sponsoring a Water Measuring and Reporting Short Course at the UCCE Cooperative Extension Classroom at 2145 Wardrobe Avenue, Merced, CA.
This is an instructional course on measurement devices and methods administered by the University of California Cooperative Extension and includes a proficiency test which must be passed to be considered a qualified individual when installing and maintaining devices or implementing methods of measurement.


At the workshop you will:

  • Clarify reporting requirements for ranches.
  • Understand what meters are appropriate for different situations.
  • Learn how to determine measurement equipment accuracy.
  • Develop an understanding of measurement weirs.
  • Learn how to calculate and report volume from flow data.


Registration fee is $25 per person up to one week before the workshop, $30.00 late or at the door registration.

To reserve your place at this meeting, call the UCCE office at (209) 385-7403 or Larry Forero at 530-224-4900


Or register online at: https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=25876


A link to the flyer can be found at: http://cemerced.ucanr.edu/files/293315.pdf

By Lynn M. Sosnoskie
Author - Agronomy and Weed Science Advisor