Upcoming Extension Meetings - January 2019

South Sacramento Valley Processing Tomato Production Meeting

When: Thursday, January 10, 2019

Time: 7:45am to 12:00pm

Where: Woodland Community Center (2001 East Street, Woodland, CA 95776). 




8:15       Broomrape- a Weed of Industry Concern: Gene Miyao, retired, UC Farm Advisor, Yolo/Solano/Sacramento counties

8:40       Recent Tomato Lessons Gleaned from UC Russell Ranch, Long-Term Experiment: Israel Herrera, field manager, UC Russell Ranch project, UC Davis.

9:00       Local Pesticide Regulation Update: Jenni King, Deputy Ag Commissioner, Yolo County

9:20       Decision Support Tools for Processing Tomato Irrigation and Fertilization: Daniel Geisseler, Nutrient Management Specialist, UC Davis

9:40       BREAK

10:00     Summary of Fungicide Efficacy Evaluations for Powdery Mildew Control; and Progress Report on Yield Response to Grafting: Brenna Aegerter, UC Farm Advisor, San Joaquin County

10:20     Processing TomatoVariety Evaluations: Scott Picanso & Jonathan Deniz, TS&L. 

10:40     Keys to Field Bindweed Management: Lynn Sosnoskie, UC Farm Advisor, Merced and Madera counties

11:00     Monitoring Southern Blight in Colusa County and 2018 Field Observations: Amber Vinchesi, UC Farm Advisor, Colusa and Sutter/Yuba counties

11:20    Fusarium Diseases of Tomato- an Update on Identification and Management: Cassandra Swett, Plant Pathology Dept, UC Davis


Continuing Education Units:

PCA credits are pending. CCA credits: 1.5 hrs IPM, 1.5 hrs Crop Management.


San Joaquin County and Delta Field Crops Meeting

When: Thursday, January 17, 2019

Time: 8:00am to 12:00pm

Where: Cabral Agricultural Center in Stockton (2101 E. Earhart Ave., Stockton, CA 95206). 



8:00am     Doors Open and Sign In

8:15am     Nitrogen Stabilizers in Silage Corn, Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, UCCE San Joaquin/Delta Counties

8:45am     Measuring the Interaction between N Demand and Water Use in Irrigated Corn, Mark Lundy, UC Davis

9:15am     Regulatory Update, Tim Pelican, San Joaquin County Agricultural Commissioner

9:30am     Fish Friendly Farming Program for the Delta, Laurel Marcus, California Land Stewardship Institute

9:45am     Break

10:00am   Agronomic Strategies to Improve Alfalfa Pest Management, Dan Putnam, UC Davis

10:30am   Opportunities for Automation and Optimization of Surface Irrigation Systems, Khaled Bali, UCCE, Kearney Research and Extension Center

11:00am   Italian Ryegrass Management in California Wheat Cropping Systems, Mariano Galla, UCCE, Glenn/Butte/Tehama Counties

11:30am   Managing for Soil Health and Soil Salinity, Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, UCCE, San Joaquin/Delta Counties

12:00pm   Evaluations and Adjourn


Continuing Education Units:

Applications for continuing education units for pesticide licensing, CCAs, and nitrogen management (continuing education requirement for the Irrigated Lands Program) have been submitted.


Annual Meeting of the California Weed Science Society

When: Wednesday to Friday, January 23 to 25, 2019

Where: Hyatt Regency in Sacramento (1209 L St, Sacramento, CA 95814). 


The annual meeting of the California Weed Science Society will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Sacramento, January 23-25. This meeting is a great opportunity for professionals to stay informed of the latest pesticide regulations, industry trends, and active weed management research in California. This year's weed school will focus on invasive plant management for wildfire mitigation while the general session will update participants about the control in invasive weeds in the Delta. Concurrent research sections will focus on specific areas of interest including: trees and vines, rice, turf and ornamentals, forestry and natural areas, agronomic and vegetable crops, roadsides and industrial sites, and aquatic systems. Friday's session will focus exclusively on laws and regulations. Registration can be done through mail or online (http://www.cwss.org/events/registration/). Cost of attendance is $249 (through January 3rd). A schedule of events can be found at: http://www.cwss.org/events/schedule-of-events/.


Continuing Education Units:

Continuing education units will be offered.