Natural resources conference addresses fire issues

Mar 4, 2008

In the wake of last fall's devastating Southern California wildfires, UC Cooperative Extension natural resources advisors are gathering in Palm Desert March 4 and 5 to discuss wildfire reasons, resilience and recovery. The news media have been invited and have shown interest, so the likelihood is high the conference will result in press coverage. A news release distributed by the UC Riverside news service is available online.

The conference begins with field trips the morning of the 4th to areas burned by recent wildfires -- one on desert landscape, the other on mountainous terrain. Afternoon workshops and an evening poster session -- where UC scientists from around the state share their research results -- round out the day.

On Thursday, scientists will make presentation to answer these and other questions:

  • Why do some houses burn in a wildfire while others are spared?
  • How should homeowners maintain fuel breaks around structures?
  • Is the practice of seeding burned areas is effective?
  • What are good, fire-safe landscaping practices?
  • What are the ecological and environmental drivers of fire frequency?

I'll post links on this blog to any media coverage of the natural resources continuing conference as articles appear.

By Jeannette E. Warnert
Author - Communications Specialist