Far from dry

Jan 21, 2019

In between the rain, tornado warnings, and disappointing playoff games, I took some time this long weekend to engage in some hobbies to engage my creative side. For the most part, this was relaxing. While not a hobby, I started my taxes. I don't mind doing taxes which is good because I do them for others and I still do them for multiple states. What was frustrating was the 'new improved' tax laws does not benefit an individual whose income is quite low. In fact, that individual will owe twice the federal income tax they owed last year even though the income is a combination of tax-deferred retirement investments and SSI. That leaves me wondering how the less fortunate will come out of this and reminded of the work of UC ANR, such as that of EFNEP, that is so important.

At the monthly Davis staff meeting last week, Shyra provided an enlightening overview of EFNEP, including testimonials from EFNEP participants and their health care providers singing the praises of the program. Interviewees talked about their weight loss, the savings they have observed in their grocery bills, and even the improved health outcomes as a result of the program. If you are not familiar with the program, contact Katie or Shyra to learn more. Shyra did a great job! Now we need the federal government to reopen so that this vital program can focus on what matters!

No need to travel to the Woodbridge Preserve these days to see the Sandhill Cranes fly in. I need to go to my back yard. A couple of cranes and a handful of egrets have taken over what is currently a bit of a lake. We've excluded the dogs from the area for the time being to minimize the mud they track around on their paws. Instead, they stand at the fence barking at the birds that have taken over their yard; I'm not sure which is worse.

The Academic Assembly Council has been busy putting together their nominations for the new UC ANR Governing Council. There wasn't much lead time provided to AAC to get the nominations submitted. Next time the AAC will have more notice. By early February we should know who will fill all of the available seats on the committee.

I am not traveling this week, so I should be able to catch up on things in both offices this week and maybe even continue with some of my hobbies during the evenings. I need to make the most of my time as soon enough it will be time to do yard work.

By Wendy Powers
Author - Associate Vice President, Agriculture and Natural Resources