2019 Delta Corn and Small Grains Meeting

Sep 27, 2019

2019 Delta Corn and Small Grains Meeting

Sep 27, 2019

UC Cooperative Extension will host the annual corn field meeting on Tuesday, October 15th, from 10:00-11:30am, on Tyler Island in Sacramento County. The agenda is pasted below and attached. In addition to providing information on the annual corn variety trial, this year's agenda includes presentations on nitrogen management for the upcoming small grains season. The attached version of the agenda includes a map and directions to the field site. We have applied for CCA continuing education credits, and light refreshments will be provided. RSVP is not required. Hope to see you in the field! 





10:00am         Field corn variety evaluation – preliminary results: Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, UCCE 

10:15am         Variety traits for the Delta: Seed company representatives

10:30am         In-Season Nitrogen Management in Wheat: Michelle Leinfelder-Miles and Sarah Light, UCCE

10:45am         In-Season Nitrogen Management in Malting Barley: Taylor Nelson, UC Davis

11:00am         Viewing of field plots