Keeping the umbrella handy

Jan 8, 2020

I seem to still be in a bit of a fog today. I am in Davis for the second day of Program Council. Yesterday's fog resulted in cancellation of flights for our two Program Council members from Riverside. Flights eventually left Ontario and they both made it before the first day of the meeting ended. Georgios Vidalakis, a CE Specialist at UCR, just joined Program Council so it was his first meeting. I can't help but wonder if Chris Greer made special note of the fact that he didn't have to attend this week after what may have been 8 years as a member. That leaves Rob Atwill (UCD Vet Med) as the most senior consistent member of Program Council (excluding facilitator and ex-officio members), followed by me!Tim Paine may have the most total years on Program Council, with a break here and there. I was already feeling a bit older yesterday even before we identified that factoid. Things change quickly everywhere.

The Strategic Initiative Leaders met before Program Council. They talked about conference/workshop ideas, a summer roadshow, and their priorities for the upcoming year. A few of the SI panels are seeking members so, please, consider if that might be something that interests you and reach out to the appropriate SI Leader. The SI panels are a terrific opportunity to build connections for your own program and gain a better sense of the work going on under each SI umbrella.

The rest of this week includes a couple of conversations about the possibility of some new partnerships, preparation for a strategic plan goal owners meeting that is next week, and wrapping up some loose ends that remain from before the winter break. Unfortunately, I don't seem to have any visits out to county offices or RECs scheduled anytime soon; perhaps that will change in the near future. It is such an inspiration to meet people from across ANR and hear about their work, their struggles, and the possibilities. January is a short month and other travel and work picks up quickly after February 1. Perhaps I should take advantage of the lighter schedule, stay under the umbrella, and avoid travel delays due to fog and rain.

By Wendy Powers
Author - Associate Vice President, Agriculture and Natural Resources