Brussels Sprouts – You either love them or loath them! Perhaps here is the reason why –

Jun 15, 2020

Brussels Sprouts – You either love them or loath them! Perhaps here is the reason why –

Jun 15, 2020


Growing up as a child the vegetable I dreaded being put on my plate and expected to eat were Brussels sprouts.  That dreaded experience always started when I came into the house from playing outside.  Opening the door to step inside, I was immediately smacked in the face with that smell.  You all know what smell I am referring to!  That rotten egg sulfur smell.  Less face it, what person, let alone a child would like the taste of anything that smelled that awful.

It was not until years later; I discovered the proper way of preparing Brussels sprouts. Do not overcook them! As Brussels sprouts cook a sulfur compound is released and the more this vegetable cooks the odor intensifies. When you properly prepare Brussels sprouts, you eliminate the sulfur odor.

Is it possible that the reason it is disliked by half of the population be genetic?  Possibly.

UK's Cornwall world-renowned Eden Project did a study back in 2011. Scientists discovered a genetic reason why possibly people love or loath Brussels sprouts.  It contains a chemical called phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) which tastes bitter to people who have a variation of a certain gene.  This study revealed that the gene that controls the taste sensitivity (TAS2R38) along with the PTC gives bitterness to the tongue.  The research found that around fifty percent of the world's population have a mutation of this gene.  Meaning, the lucky half with the mutated gene do not taste the bitterness. Apparently, I have this mutated gene because I enjoy a properly prepared dish of Brussels sprouts.

 Bottom line, Brussels sprouts are not everyone's cup of tea. 

Visit our Edible Garden page on our website for information on growing Brussels sprouts.

By Sherida Phibbs
Author - Master Gardener, Master Food Preserver