30th Postharvest Technology Short Course and Kader Retirement Dinner

Jul 11, 2008

More than 115 participants from 12 countries met the last two weeks of June at UC Davis for the 30th Annual Postharvest Technology Short Course.  The event was one of the UC Davis campus’ first planned Centennial festivities and there was extra media focus associated with the event.

With a special outreach focus, on Saturday, June 21st  the Postharvest Technology Research & Information Center celebrated the 30th offering of the annual UC Davis Postharvest Short Course with a very special one day symposium entitled “Charting New Directions In Postharvest Biology & Technology” that featured three pivotal sessions:

Session 1 - The Consumer Produce Experience

Session 2 - Assuring Produce Buyer Confidence

Session 3 - Charting New Directions to Meet Postharvest Challenges and Opportunities

The fresh and interactive sessions were highlighted by innovative and challenging remarks by the symposium speakers, including: 

  • James Truscott, Wild Rocket Foods, supply chain partner of Fresh & Easy (Tesco USA)
  • Nick Tompkins, APIO Inc. 
  • Nick Kukulan, Paramount Export Co.
  • Dennis Gipson, Ingersoll Rand Climate Control Technologies
  • Bob Whitaker, Ph.D. Produce Marketing Association
  • Bonnie Fernandez, Center for Produce Safety
  • Deirde Holcroft, Ph.D. AgroFresh, Inc.
  • Joan Rosen, Fresh Express / Chiquita
  • Keri L. Morrelli, APIO Inc.
  • Patrick Brecht, Ph.D,  P.E.B. Commodities Inc.
  • Postharvest Technology Center Faculty members.

Despite the warm temperatures, Saturday evening concluded with a large crowd in attendance to honor the accomplishments and retirement of Dr. Adel Kader, who founded the Postharvest Technology Short Course in 1979.  Many of his students from the past 30 years returned to UC Davis from various parts of the globe to share in the celebration, and some common recurring themes of those who spoke referred to Dr. Kader's high ethical standards, generous spirit, and amazing organization.

By Mary E. Reed
Author - Program Representative

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