Book Club January 2022 - Nature's Best Hope

Dec 6, 2021

Picture of book, red chested bird perched on a twig

Friday, January 21st, 2022
6:00 – 7:30 pm via Zoom  (Check back for Zoom Link sign up)


January's Book is Nature's Best Hope by Douglas W. Tallamy

Nature's Best Hope is written for home gardeners. Tallamy provides a hopeful and empowering guide to creating wildlife habitats and conservation corridors out of ordinary yards. This practical and inspiring book provides specific suggestions for creating backyard havens. Tallamy's homegrown approach sidesteps the functional limitations of governmental policy and the physical limitations of our isolated national parks. All of us, yard plus yard plus yard, can provide the support for wildlife to both survive and thrive.

The Eureka Library has a supply of books and offers downloadable eBooks.

This book club is sponsored by UCCE Master Gardeners of Humboldt and Del Norte Counties in partnership with the Eureka Main Library. Discussions are scheduled every two months and we hope you can join us for any books that interest you.


To participate: Register on the Library's Event Calendar when made available to register.

Discussion host Susan Kornfeld is a UCCE Master Gardeners volunteer