It's cold out there

Jan 19, 2022

It's cold out there

Jan 19, 2022

Calling all UC ANR photographers! Be sure to consider entering some of your best ‘ANR in action' photos into this year's contest. Time to enter is limited so consider what might already be in your gallery, or get out there and take some new pictures. I am in New York this week where the temperature discourages outdoor photography, despite new fallen snow on a couple of occasions. Instead, I will share photos from Kathryn and Mark who sent me some nice water shots they saw over winter break and the long weekend, respectively.

The week is a hodge-podge of meetings that range from partnership discussions to the upcoming merit and promotion cycle to working on the impact narrative for the national Cooperative Extension system. Counterparts in other states have shared impressive impact stories. I am learning a ton of new things. Did you know that peonies are one of only a few agriculture exports for Alaska? After 20 years of work to develop varieties and the industry, there are now 135 commercial growers in Alaska. New Mexico State University Extension has an impressive partnership with schools for 4-H delivery. Schools with the program see significantly reduces absenteeism, from 23% to 7%, following start of a 4-H In the School program. In West Virginia, adoption of a prediction-based spray program to address fire blight and downy mildew saved apple, cucurbit, and tomato growers, on average, 3 sprays thus reducing potential runoff to surface water and an estimated $900,000, total, to the surveyed growers.

We are beginning preparations to meet with our state and federal representatives. While the meetings will be virtual again this year, the need to have strong impact stories remains just as important. The 2022 Project Board data won't be compiled in time for this year's meetings, so I will spend some time re-reading through the 2021 stories so that they are top of mind as we have our conversations in March.

Friday I spend a few hours with the National Academy committee for which I am serving. I have some homework to do before the end of day tomorrow. I have some strategic plan homework yet to do as well. I suspect I could have made better use of my time this week to get those out of the way. It will all get done before the deadline. Things always work out.

By Wendy Powers
Author - Associate Vice President, Agriculture and Natural Resources