Camellias Brighten the Winter Garden

Jan 28, 2022

Camellias Brighten the Winter Garden

Jan 28, 2022

Camellias bloom abundantly in our Butte County winters. The sight of their richly-colored blossoms glowing in gray winter light may bring back memories of one's grandmother's house.  Certainly the camellia's gift of glorious winter flowers has made this slow-growing evergreen shrub a longstanding favorite in winter gardens, as evidenced by the sheer number of large old camellias seen throughout this region.  Originally cultivated in China and Japan, camellias were brought to England with the expansion of the tea trade in the 18th century and were first planted in America in 1797.  Pioneering settlers brought camellias west to California in the mid-19th century.  In the early 20th century camellias began to be appreciated as woodland shrubs, and this new interest led to the introduction of many new cultivars and hybrids.           

Importantly, camellias provide a source of nectar and food for pollinators such as honeybees and hummingbirds during the cold winter months.

Camellia japonica is the “standard bearer” for camellias.  It has large, rounded leaves, a tight growth habit, and large flowers in shades of white, red or pink.  These blossoms are three to five inches wide.  The flowers may be single, semi-double, or double.  C. Japonica grows to a height of 25 feet, but is usually kept at six to twelve feet.  Different varieties have bloom times ranging from September to April.

Camellia sasanqua has an open growth habit and can be upright and bushy or low and spreading.  It has small, narrow, pointed leaves, and small, fragrant, single, white, red, or pink blossoms two to three inches across.  It blooms in December.  C. Sasanqua's height ranges broadly, from just one foot to over twelve feet high.  Although its flowers are smaller than and not as long lasting as those of C. japonica, it blooms profusely and can take more sun.

Both C. japonica and C. sasanqua are winter-hardy plants that thrive in the Mediterranean climate.  They bloom best when sheltered from full sun and drying winds. Camellias are slow to establish because they are slow growing and have shallow roots.   Older plants of C. japonica and C. sasanqua will grow in full sun when their roots are shaded by leaves.  They thrive in well-drained, acid soil.  Mature plants are water wise and drought tolerant.  Often deep watering is needed only once a week in the summer, while long-established shrubs may survive with little to no summer water at all.  If it is a dry winter, water is needed when the soil feels dry.  Prune for shape and health when blossoms end.  Camellias benefit from an acid, phosphate rich fertilizer applied in March, April, and May.  No summer feeding is needed.  A final feeding can be given in mid-fall before bloom.

All camellias benefit from mulch during the winter.  But do not mulch with old blooms or leaves, as these can harbor a fungus that produces camellia blossom rot.  This fungus infects the expanding flower buds and flowers and can result in blossoms turning brown before the flowers open.  DO NOT add camellia blossoms or leaves to compost.  Instead, throw them away with garbage waste.

There are more than 250 species of Camellia, and thousands of camellia cultivars.  C. sinensis is an edible garden plant cultivated for both black and green tea made from young leaves and flower buds.  Both C. sinensis andC. oleifera, a camellia that produces a fragrant oil, are cold hardy in Butte County. 

The best time to purchase a camellia for your garden is late fall and winter, when these shrubs are in bloom at local nurseries so you can see the color and shape of their blossoms and choose accordingly.

Enjoy cool winter days glowing with color from the queen of winter flowers, the camellia.

UC Master Gardeners of Butte County are part of the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) system. To learn more about us and our upcoming events, and for help with gardening in our area, visit our website. If you have a gardening question or problem, email the Hotline at (preferred) or call (530) 538-7201.