2011 Postharvest Technology Short Course a Great Success

Jun 28, 2011

The respect and professional camaradarie amongst the 92 participants from 25 countries was a remarkable aspect of the 33rd Annual Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops Short Course.  The course started off with a breath of fresh air and new energy as Dr. Beth Mitcham, the Director of the Postharvest Technology Center, introduced the Center's new logo and web site.

As the intense first week of lectures and labs progressed, it was interspersed with opportunities for networking, the highlight of which was the BBQ which featured scrumptious barbecued chickens which were butterflied, then marinated in Dr. Michael Reid's secret sauce (soy sauce, corn oil, grated ginger root, and toasted sesame seeds).  The disease and disorder lab was capably prepared by Veronique Bikoba and offered great photo shoot opportunities for those interested in identifying the various bacteria, molds, rots,fungi and the like that tend to impact the world of produce handlers worldwide.

Dr. Marita Cantwell organized the second week's field tour, which saw the group visiting orchards of stone fruit in mid-harvest, a baby carrot processing plant, and numerous other interesting produce handling destinations.  

Feedback, with strong recommendations to business associates to be sure to attend in 2012, followed swiftly from participants:

"Congratulations for another successful Postharvest Technology course. Thanks for you and your team’s hard work to put it together. I really enjoyed the class and would like to recommend it to our business associates and partners.

"I firmly believe not only the US but the whole world’s produce industry benefit from this wonderful course. It also strengthens the position of UCD Plant Science Dept and its postharvest staff as the world leader in postharvest field. Please send my deep appreciation to all the professors who shared their life-long teaching experience and research results in such a broad scale within 5 days. They are truly the best of the world!!!"