A Quick One: Youth Blogs

Jul 27, 2008

If we're going to make real inroads into childhood obesity, and if we're really going to engage a new generation of gardeners, we need youth on board.  The best way to influence youth is through the voices of other youth. They have shared experiences and often, similar perspectives.

This quick post encourages you to visit two youth-authored blogs about healthy lifestyle, written by members of the Alliance for a Healthier Generation.  One is written by a twelve year old; the other is written by a seventeen year old high school senior.  Full disclosure: the twelve year old is mine, and I like hearing her ideas.

Please visit "The 12 Year Old's Guide 2 Ending Childhood Obesity"and "Highway to a Healthier Generation".  The youth who are writing these blogs are tracking the responses and comments.  What they have to say is worthwhile.  You'll read about various topics, including childhood obesity, heart disease, school lunches, celebrity chefs, etc.  You'll find tips, ideas and links. 

Mostly, though, you'll have an opportunity to learn what youth are saying, understand what's important to them, and experience authentic new voices.  They are the leaders of tomorrow.  Or maybe today?

"A Garden For Everyone.  Everyone in a Garden."

By Rose Hayden-Smith
Author - Emeritus - UCCE Advisor in Digital Communications in Food Systems & Extension Education; Editor, UC Food Observer; Food and Society Policy Fellow