Humboldt and Del Norte Counties Welcome 25 new UCCE Master Gardeners!

Jul 23, 2022

Humboldt and Del Norte Counties Welcome 25 new UCCE Master Gardeners!

Jul 23, 2022

After a very long 7-year hiatus, University of California Cooperative Extension for Humboldt and Del Norte Counties offered training to certify new UCCE Master Gardeners. Congratulations to those 3 Del Norte and 22 Humboldt individuals who hung in through the extensive training consisting of 19 (76 hours) weekly online Zoom classes, in-person outside field trips and hours of homework, quizzes, help desk queries, hands-on projects, and a final exam. The training consists of a variety of gardening topics from climate zones, soil health, entomology, plant diseases, propagation, etc. It takes a motivated and dedicated individual to become a UCCE Master Gardener, and we are so very proud of each graduate.

The one thing all UC Master Gardeners have in common is our love of gardening and a passion to share it with others. There are many people in our community who have no idea of who we are, and what we do. I would like to provide some insight into our program.

The Master Gardener Program is part of the University of California, Division of Agricultural and Natural Resources and administered under the local county's Cooperative Extension office. Other Cooperative Extension programs in our counties include, 4-H, the Master Food Preservers, adult and youth nutrition programs, as well as the various staff advisers (farm, livestock, forestry, nutrition, etc.).

Once the training is completed and passing of the final exam, our volunteers give back a minimum of 50 hours of volunteer services their first year. Every year thereafter, to remain certified, they volunteer a minimum of 25 hours and attend 12 hours of continuing education.

Our trained volunteers offer free science-based gardening information to home gardeners, community gardens, and school gardens throughout Del Norte and Humboldt Counties. Our primary goal is to educate and mentor our community about topics related to home horticulture, pest management, and sustainable landscape practices.

Are you growing food this year and have questions? Do you have bugs in your garden and need help? Do you want to know how to care for a particular landscape plant? Do you want more pollinators visiting your garden? Do you want advice on California native plants for our area? Do you want to learn about composting and worm composting? Do you want to conserve water in your landscape? You can submit your questions to our team of garden detectives through our Help Desk service at

Perhaps you would like a speaker for your group to speak on a gardening topic? Do you want a reliable resource for gardening information? Then visit our website at: or You will find various topics as well as previous recordings of past presentations. Make sure to sign up for our quarterly newsletter.

UC Master Gardeners can be found at various events in Del Norte and Humboldt from the county fairs to farmers' markets. We give presentations to clubs and service organizations. We share information via social and printed media.

We are all about teaching, learning, and having fun! As the program coordinator, the one thing I enjoy the most is the sense of family and the friendships that are made within our program.

If you have any gardening questions, please visit our website, and submit a Help Desk Ticket. If you have an idea for possible collaboration, feel free to contact us.


Photo - UCCE MG Myron Kelso Used with permission.

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