They're Naked in the Garden!

Sep 6, 2011

I've always been enchanted with Naked Ladies, the pale pink flowers that seem to magically appear in late summer.  Several years ago they were offering bulbs at a Master Gardener Plant Exchange.  I picked up one of the coconut sized bulbs and decided to give it a try.

I did some research and found the experts said the bulbs didn't like to be moved so it might be a while before they bloomed.  Okay...  Next year lovely strap like leaves, but no flowers.  Ditto for year number two.  This year, lovely spring leaves that died to the ground, and then, in August , stalks with large terminal bulbs seemed to appear overnight. The stalks shot up rapidly then beautiful pink flowers unfurled.

The common name, Naked Ladies, comes from the fact that there are no leaves present when they bloom.  The plant is also known as Pink Lady, Resurrection Lily and Magic Lily. It's not a lily, but is in the Amaryllis family.  I'm just happy the ladies finally arrived!

By Karen Metz

Attached Images:

Naked Ladies, before. (Photo by Karen Metz)

Naked Ladies, before. (Photo by Karen Metz)

Naked Ladies, after. (Photo by Karen Metz)

Naked Ladies, after. (Photo by Karen Metz)