Celebrating Ag Day at the Capitol

Mar 20, 2024

Celebrating Ag Day at the Capitol

Mar 20, 2024
Sloughhouse 4-H with rabbits.
The Ag Day event held at the state capital represented a day for all of California agriculture to be celebrated. It brought together educational institutions, commodity groups, and representatives from agriculture to engage with legislators and legislative staff in a casual, outdoor festival and to advocate for California agriculture. 
As this was my first Ag Day, going in, I really didn't know what to expect. I was so pleased to see incredible interaction from all attendees, exhibitors, and organizers. Our UC ANR programs were on full display, demonstrating the programs, people, and innovating technologies that are ANR. I got to meet and engage with 4-H kids, including two of our state ambassadors.
4-H State Ambassador Laurelyn speaking on stage.
Laurelyn, one of our 4-H state ambassadors, served as one of the emcees. 
I met UC Master Gardeners, Tammy Majcherek who was sharing information about avocados and citrus, and the team from The VINE. Farm advisors Margaret Lloyd, Sarah Light, and Clarissa Reyes and UCCE Capitol Corridor Director Susan Ellsworth were there to answer questions.

Anna Caballero, left, looks at array of citrus as Tammy describes the varieties.
It was a beautiful day that brought together a diverse group of stakeholders to engage legislators and staff and to advocate for agriculture and of course, for UC ANR. 
I want to express my sincere gratitude to Anne Megaro and Sheron Violini in Government and Community Relations and all those who made the day happen. 

Sheldon 4-H club with lamb
If you haven't nominated a colleague for Distinguished Service Awards or the Staff Appreciation and Recognition (STAR) Awards, the deadlines are approaching. Nominations of academics for the DSAs are due April 1. Nominations for STAR awards are due April 11.