From Roses to Relaxed-the final part

Nov 9, 2011

By 2009 the one remaining lawn is the main lawn with the traditional "need to mow and water" grass from the front door to the sidewalk.  We begin planting a little garden next to the house with a row of Erysimum below our living room window.  They look very tidy.  We add some Euphorbia characias and I find the beautiful yellow blooms against the grey-blue foliage enticing.

where there was lawn now is none
The lawn is gone. (photos by Trisha Rose)

During the spring of 2009 I attended a workshop at Solano College given by the Solano County Master Gardeners on the subject of "Propagation".  The MG's are friendly and very helpful as they explain some basic how-to's of plant propagation, I'm hooked and submit my application for the Solano Master Gardener's Program 2010 term.  As I sit through the series of lectures, I realize there are many options for gardening and soon begin to think seriously about removing the main front lawn and putting in a garden that is more interesting to use, uses much less water and give us a chance to experiment with different plant materials.  So it is now 2011 and the rains seem to continue on and on.  Finally it is May and our son has relocated nearby.  He agrees to remove the sod and we are on our way.

view toward water of the front yard
View toward water from our 'new' yard.