
Nov 4, 2011

Last night I was complaining to the husband about how cold it was in the house.  I cranked up the heater, but it just didn't seem to do the trick.  I hauled out a down blanket and put it on the bed.  It didn't dawn on me until I opened the garage door this morning that Jack Frost had visited Dixon. The evidence was on all the roofs in my court-a light dusting of frost.  I know this was a pretty isolated event, as I had queried a few Master Gardener friends from Fairfield.  They said they didn't have any frost this morning.

Just a note to all you blog readers, protect your valuable plants or get them indoors.  Watching the weather on the  evening news might help.  I would hate to see you lose that favorite plant due to a sneaky frost.


frost on roof
A light dusting of frost on neighbors roof. (photo by Jennifer Baumbach)


By Jennifer Baumbach
Author - Master Gardener Program Coordinator for Solano and Yolo