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Matthew Daugherty

CE Specialist and Entomologist
Entomology (UCR)
100 Chapman Hall
Riverside, CA 92521
(951) 827-2246
mattd@ucr.edu Create VCard


My research focuses on applied population biology with respect to the invasion and management of arthropod pests and vector-borne plant pathogens. Typically, this includes greenhouse experiments, field experiments, or monitoring programs coupled with population dynamics or statistical modeling. Recent topics include:  Landscape ecology of arthropod invasions in vineyards, species distribution modeling for a vineyard pest complex, urban spillover of an invasive vector into commercial citrus, mitigating the role of nursery stock in invader spread, epidemiological significance of vector behavior, and associational effects among plants mediated by an invasive herbivore.

As a cooperative extension specialist, I regularly give presentations, write articles, develop online resources, or otherwise consult on issues related to arthropod invasions and vector-borne plant disease. Frequent topics include:  sharpshooter and Pierce’s disease biology and management, Asian citrus psyllid and huanglongbing biology and management, invasive pests in vineyards, arthropod pests in the garden or urban landscape, and development of pest or disease monitoring programs.


Ph.D. Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley. 2006
M.S. Biological Sciences, Illinois State University. 2000
B.S. Biological Sciences, UC Davis. 1995


population biology, invasion biology, plant disease ecology, regulatory entomology, quantitative ecology

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Schartel, T.E.; Cooper, M.L.; May, A.; Daugherty, M.P. (2020). Quantifying Planococcus ficus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) Invasion in Northern California Vineyards to Inform Management Strategy. Environmental Entomology, in press.
  • Byrne, F.; Daugherty, M.P.; Grafton-Cardwell, E.E. (2020). Rapid uptake and retention of neonicotinoids in nursery citrus trees as a safeguard against Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri) infestation. Crop Protection, in press.
  • Lillian, S.; Redak, R.A.; Daugherty, M.P. (2019). Assessing the role of differential herbivore performance among plant species in associational effects involving the invasive stink bug Bagrada hilaris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Environmental Entomology. 48, 114-121.
  • Schartel, T.E.; Bayles, B.R.; Cooper, M.L.; Simmons, G.S.; Thomas, S.M.; Varela, L.G.; Daugherty., and M.P. (2019). Reconstructing the European grapevine moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) invasion in California: insights from a successful eradication. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 112, 107-117.
  • Daugherty, M.P.; Almeida, R.P.P. (2019). Understanding how an invasive vector drives Pierce’s disease epidemics: seasonality and vine-to-vine spread. Phytopathology. 109, 277-285.
  • Byrne, F.J.; Grafton-Cardwell, E.E.; Morse, J.G.; Olguin, A.E.; Zeilinger, A.R.; Wilen, C.; Bethke, J.; Daugherty, M.P. (2018). Assessing the risk of containerized citrus contributing to Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri) spread in California: residence times and insecticide residues at retail nursery outlets. Crop Protection. 109, 33-41.
  • Lillian, S.; Redak, R.A.; Daugherty, M.P. (2018). Associational susceptibility of a native shrub induced by context-dependent attraction of an invasive herbivore. Ecosphere. 9, e02442.
  • Cooper, M. L.; Daugherty, M.P.; Jeske, D.R.; Almeida, R.P.P.; Daane, K.M. (2018). Incidence of grapevine leafroll disease: effects of grape mealybug (Pseudococcus maritimus) abundance and pathogen supply. Journal of Economic Entomology. 111, 1542-1550.
  • Del Cid, C.; Krugner, R.; Zeilinger, A.R.; Daugherty, M.P.; R.P.P. Almeida, R.P.P. (2018). Plant water stress and vector feeding preference mediate transmission efficiency of a plant pathogen. Environmental Entomology. 47, 1471-1478.
  • Tofangsazi, N.; Morales-Rodriguez, A.; Daugherty, M.P.; Simmons, G.S.; Grafton-Cardwell, E.E. (2018). Residual toxicity of selected organic insecticides to Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae) and non-target effects on Tamarixia radiata (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in California. Crop Protection. 108, 62-70.
  • Daugherty, M.P.; Almeida, R.P.P.; Smith, R.J.; Weber, E.A.; Purcell, A.H. (2018). Severe pruning of infected grapevines has limited efficacy for managing Pierce’s disease. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 69, 289-294.
  • Sicard, A.; Zeilinger, A.R.; Vanhove, M.; Schartel, T.E.; Beal, D.J.; Daugherty, M.P.; Almeida, R.P.P. (2018). Xylella fastidiosa: insights into an emerging plant pathogen. Annual Review of Phytopathology. 56, 181-202.
  • Cassone, B.J.; Kay, R.G.; Daugherty, M.P.; White, B.J. (2017). Comparative transcriptomics of malaria mosquito testes: function, evolution, and linkage. G3. 7, 1127-1136.
  • Daugherty, M.P.; Zeilinger, A.R.; Almeida, R.P.P (2017). Conflicting effects of climate and vector behavior on the spread of a plant pathogen. Phytobiomes. 1, 46-53.
  • Byrne, F.; Daugherty, M.P.; Grafton-Cardwell, E.E.; Bethke, J.; Morse, J. (2017). Evaluation of systemic neonicotinoid insecticides for the management of the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri on containerized citrus. Pest Management Science. 73, 506-514.
  • Thomas, S.M.; Simmons, G.S.; Daugherty, M.P. (2017). Spatiotemporal distribution of an invasive insect in an urban landscape: introduction, establishment and impact. Landscape Ecology. 32, 2041-2057.
  • Bayles, B.R.; Thomas, S.M.; Simmons, G.S.; Grafton-Cardwell, E.E.; M.P. Daugherty, M.P. (2017). Spatiotemporal dynamics of the Southern California Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri) invasion. PLoS One. 12, e0173226.
  • Poudel, M.; Grafton-Cardwell, E.E.; Daugherty, M.; Almanzor, J.; Washburn, A.; Simmons, G.; J. Morse, J (2016). Evaluation of Selected Insecticides for Asian Citrus Psyllid Control, 2014. Arthropod Management Tests. 41, 1-2.
  • Conlisk, E.; Swab, R.; Martínez-Berdeja, A.; Daugherty, M.P. (2016). Post-fire recovery in coastal sage scrub: seed rain and community trajectory. PLoS One. 11, e0162777.
  • Coletta-Filho, H.D.; Bittleston, L.S.; Lopes, J.R.S.; Daugherty, M.P.; Almeida, R.P.P. (2015). Genetic distance may underlie virulence differences among isolates of a bacterial plant pathogen. Journal of Plant Pathology. 97, 465-469.
  • Rathé, A.A.; Pilkington, L.J.; Spohr, L.J.; Hoddle, M.S.; Daugherty, M.P.; Gurr, G.M. (2015). Invasion pathway risk analysis for the glassy-winged sharpshooter (Homalodisca vitripennis): survival and reproductive success following simulated air transportation. Biological Invasions. 17, 2963-2973.
  • Daugherty, M.P.; O’Neill, S.; Byrne, F.; Zeilinger, A. (2015). Is vector control sufficient to limit pathogen spread? Environmental Entomology. 44, 789-797.
  • Rathe, A..; Pilkington, L.; Hoddle, M.; Spohr, L.; Daugherty, M.`; Gurr, G. (2014). "Feeding and development of the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis, on Australian native plant species in the USA and implications for Australian biosecturity." PLoS One 9: e90410.
  • Coletta-Filho, H.; Daugherty, M.`; Ferreira, C.; Lopes, J. (2014). "Temporal progression of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus infection in citrus and acquisition efficiency by Diaphorina citri." Phytopathology 104: 416-421.
  • Zeilinger, A.; Daugherty, M.` (2014). "Vector preference and host defense against infection interact to determine disease dynamics." Oikos 123: 613-622.
  • Gruber, B.; Daugherty, M.` (2013). "Predicting the effects of seasonality on the risk of pathogen spread in vineyards: vector pressure, natural infectivity, and host recovery." Plant Pathology 62: 194-204.
  • Rashed, A.; Kwan, J.; Baraff, B.; Ling, D.; Daugherty, M.`; Killiny, N.; Almeida, R. (2013). "Relative susceptibility of Vitis vinifera cultivars to vector-borne Xylella fastidiosa through time." PLoS One 8: e55326.
  • Rathe, A..; Pilkington, L.; Gurr, G.; Hoddle, M.; Daugherty, M.`; Constable, F.; Luck, J.; Powell, K.; Fletcher, M.; Edwards, O. (2012). "Incursion preparedness: anticipating the arrival of an economically important plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa Wells (Proteobacteria: Xanthomonadaceae) and the insect vector Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Australia." Australian Journal of Entomology 51: 209-220.
  • Rathe, A..; Pilkington, L.; Gurr, G.; Daugherty, M. (2012). "Potential for persistence and within-plant movement of Xylella fastidiosa in Australian native plants." Australasian Plant Pathology 41: 405-412.
  • Tsai, C.; Daugherty, M.; Almeida, R. (2012). "Seasonal dynamics and virus translocation of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 in grapevine cultivars." Plant Pathology 61: 977-985.
  • Daugherty, M.; Gruber, B.; Almeida, R.; Anderson, M.; Cooper, M.; Rasmussen, Y.; Weber, E. (2012). "Testing the efficacy of barrier plantings for limiting sharpshooter spread." American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 63: 139-143.
  • Rashed, A.; Daugherty, M.; Almeida, R. (2011). "Grapevine cultivar susceptibility to Xylella fastidiosa does not affect vector transmission success." Enviromental Entomology 40: 1192-1199.
  • Daugherty, M. (2011). "Host plant quality, spatial heterogeneity, and the stability of mite predator-prey dynamics." Experimental and Applied Acarology 9: 311-322.
  • Daugherty, M.; Rashed, A.; Almeida, R.; Perring, T. (2011). "Vector preference for host infection status: sharpshooter movement and Xylella fastidiosa transmission." Ecological Entomology 36: 654-662.
  • Prado, S.; Hung, K.; Daugherty, M.; Almeida, R. (2010). "Indirect effects of temperature on stink bug fitness via maintenance of gut-associated symbionts." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76: 1261-1266.
  • Lopes, J.; Daugherty, M.; Almeida, R. (2010). "Strain origin drives virulence and persistence of Xylella fastidiosa in alfalfa." Plant Pathology 59: 963-971.
  • Daugherty, M.; Lopes, J.; Almeida, R. (2010). "Strain-specific alfalfa water stress induced by Xylella fastidiosa." European Journal of Plant Pathology 127: 333-340.
  • Daugherty, M.; Lopes, J.; Almeida, R. (2010). "Vector within-host feeding preference mediates transmission of a heterogeneously distributed pathogen." Ecological Entomology 35: 360-366.
  • Lopes, J.; Daugherty, M.; Almeida, R. (2009). "Context-dependent transmission of a generalist plant pathogen: host species and pathogen strain mediate insect vector competence." Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 131: 216-224.
  • Prado, S.; Golden, M.; Follett, P.; Daugherty, M.; Almeida, R. (2009). "Demography of gut symbiotic and aposymbiotic Nezara viridula L. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)." Enviromental Entomology 38: 103-109.
  • Daugherty, M. (2009). "Different herbivore feeding modes promote coexistence: insights from a metabolic pool model." Enviromental Entomology 38: 667-676.
  • Daugherty, M.; Almeida, R. (2009). "Estimating Xylella fastidiosa transmission parameters: decoupling sharpshooter number and feeding period." Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 132: 84-92.
  • Daugherty, M.; Bosco, D.; Almeida, R. (2009). "Temperature mediates vector transmission efficiency: inoculum supply and plant infection dynamics." Annals of Applied Biology 155: 361-369.
  • Daugherty, M.; Briggs, C. (2007). "Multiple sources of isotopic variation in a terrestrial arthropod community: challenges for disentangling food webs." Enviromental Entomology 36: 776-791.
  • Daugherty, M.; Welter, S.; Briggs, C. (2007). "Top-down and bottom-up control of pear psylla (Cacopsylla pyricola): Plant quality and the efficacy of the predator Anthocoris nemoralis." Biological Control 43: 257-264.
  • Daugherty, M.; Harmon, J.; Briggs, C. (2007). "Trophic supplements to intraguild predation." Oikos 116: 662-677.
  • Lloyd-Smith, J.; Cross, P.; Briggs, C.; Daugherty, M.; Getz, W.; Latto, J.; Sanchez, M.; Smith, A.; Swei, A. (2005). "Should we expect population thresholds for wildlife disease?" Trends in Ecology & Evolution 20: 511-519.
  • Daugherty, M.; Juliano, S. (2003). "Leaf-scraping beetle feces are a food resource for Ochlerotatus triseriatus." American Midland Naturalist 150
  • Daugherty, M.; Juliano, S. (2002). "Testing for context-dependence in a processing chain interaction among detritus-feeding aquatic insects." Ecological Entomology 27: 540-553.
  • Daugherty, M.; Juliano, S. (2001). "Factors affecting the abundance of scirtid beetles in container habitats." Journal of the North American Benthological Society 20: 109-117.
  • Daugherty, M.; Alto, B.; Juliano, S. (2000). "Invertebrate carcasses as a resource for competing Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)." Journal of Medical Entomology 37: 364-372.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Byrne, F.; Grafton-Cardwell, E.E.; Daugherty, M.P. (2020). Rapid uptake of imidacloprid in containerized nursery citrus. Citrograph. Fall, 60-64.
  • Varela, L.G.; Wilen, C.A.; Daugherty, M.P.; Haviland, D.R. (2019). Glassy-winged sharpshooter. UC IPM Pest Notes. Publication #7492.
  • Daugherty, M.P.; Cooper, M.; Smith, R.; Varela, L.; Almeida, R.P.P. (2019). Has climate contributed to a Pierce’s disease resurgence in North Coast vineyards? Wine Business Monthly. December, 2-7.
  • Simmons, G.S.; Varela, L.; Daugherty, M.; Cooper, M.; Lance, D.; Mastro, V.; Cardé, R.T.; Lucchi, A.; Ioriatti, C.; Bagnoli, B.; Steinhauer, R.; Broadway, R.; Stone Smith, B.; Hoffman, K.; Clark, G.; Whitmer, D.; Johnson, R. (2018). Area-wide eradication of the European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana in California, USA. Proceedings of the Third FAO-IAEA International Conference on Area-wide Management of Insect Pests: Integrating the Sterile Insect and Related Nuclear and Other Techniques. Vienna, Austria.
  • Grafton-Cardwell, E.E.; Daugherty, M.P. (2018). Asian citrus psyllid and huanglongbing disease. UC IPM Pest Notes. Publication #74155.
  • Grafton-Cardwell, E.E.; Daugherty, M.P. (2016). Asian citrus psyllid and huanglongbing disease. UC IPM Pest Notes. Publication #74155.
  • Poudel, M.; Daugherty, M.; Grafton-Cardwell, E.E. (2016). Comparison of tap and sweep net monitoring methods for ACP. Citrograph. 7, 56-59.
  • Byrne, F.; Daugherty, M.P.; Grafton-Cardwell, E.E.; Bethke, J.; Morse, J. (2016). Developing a plan to protect citrus nursery stock from ACP. Citrograph. 7, 86-90.
  • Grafton-Cardwell, E.E.; Wilen, C.; Daugherty, M.P. (2016). Help slow the spread of Asian citrus psyllid in California. UC IPM Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News. March, 1.
  • Daugherty, M.P. (2016). New troubles from the glassy-winged sharpshooter. CAPCA Adviser. October, 44-49.
  • Grafton-Cardwell, E.E. (2015). Asian citrus psyllid is spreading in California. UC IPM Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News. April, 1.
  • Daugherty, M.; Cooper, M.; Simmons, G.; Smith, R.; Varela, L. (2015). Progress made on the control of the European grapevine moth: present status and next steps. CAPCA Adviser. December, 54-56.
  • Daugherty, M.P. (2014). CAMPUS NEWS: Asian citrus psyllid online course. UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance Newsletter. December, 22.
  • Daugherty, M.P. (2014). History and Status of the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter in California. UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance Newsletter. December, 1-3.
  • Grafton-Cardwell, E.; Daugherty, M. (2013). Asian citrus psyllid and Huanglongbing quick tip. UC IPM.
  • Daugherty, M.; Grafton-Cardwell, E. (2013). "Asian citrus psyllid and Huanglongbing quick tip, information for nurseries and garden centers."
  • Daugherty, M. (2013). CAMPUS RESEARCH UPDATE: Managing Asian citrus psyllid infestations in nurseries. UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance Newsletter. Spring 2013.
  • Daugherty, M.; Zeilinger, A.; Byrne, F.; Grafton-Cardwell, E. (2013). Challenges with implementing IPM for urban infestations of the Asian citrus psyllid. CAPCA (California Association of Pest Control Advisers) Adviser Magazine. 16:3, 14-16.
  • Daugherty, M. (2013). How effective is sharpshooter control at limiting Pierce's disease spread in California vineyards? Internationational Symposium on Insect Vectors and Insect-borne diseases.
  • Daugherty, M. (2013). Keep Asian citrus psyllid out of your store. Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News. 3:2, 2.
  • Grafton-Cardwell, E.; Daugherty, M. (2013). Pest Notes: Asian citrus psyllid and Huanglongbing. UC ANR Publication. Publication 74155.
  • Daugherty, M.; Pinckard, T.; Soto, D. (2013). The Riverside County glassy-winged sharpshooter program in the Temecula Valley. 2013 Pierce's Disease Research Symposium.
  • Daugherty, M. (2012). Linking within-vineyard sharpshooter control to Pierce's disease spread. Pierce's Disease Research Progress Report. 23-28.
  • Daugherty, M. (2012). Riverside County glassy-winged sharpshooter program in the Temecula Valley. Pierce's Disease Research Progress Report. 20-22.
  • Daugherty, M.; Pinckard, T. (2011). Linking within-vineyard sharpshooter management to Pierce's disease spread. 2011 Pierce's Disease Research Symposium.

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