Human-Wildlife Interactions Advisor
University of California Cooperative Extension – Alameda County224 West Winton Avenue
Rm 134
Hayward, CA 94544
(650) 224-4679

Also in:
Santa Clara County
Marin County
Contra Costa County Cooperative Extension
Santa Cruz County
Ph.D Ecology, UC Davis. 2019
B.S. Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution, UC San Diego. 2010
human-wildlife conflict mitigation, vertebrate pest managementBibliography
Peer Reviewed
Whitesell, CW. 2022. UC IPM Pest Notes: Woodpeckers. UC ANR Publication 74124. Oakland, CA.
- Macon, Dan; Whitesell, Carolyn (2022). Are These Big White Dogs Worth the Expense? The Challenge of Determining the Costs and Benefits of Livestock Guardian Dogs. Western Economics Forum. 20, 43-50. Spring.
- Macon, DK; Whitesell, C (2021). The case for case studies: A new approach to evaluating the effectiveness of livestock protection tools. California Fish and Wildlife. 107:3, 173-183.
Non-Peer Reviewed
- Quinn, Niamh M; Baldwin, Roger A, et al. (2024). Managing Pocket Gophers. Green Bulletin. Pests in the Urban Landscape.
- • Macon, DK; Whitesell, C (2021). Bonding LGDs to cattle - #1. Ranching in the Sierra Foothills Blog. August 2.
- Quinn, N; Whitesell, C (2021). California Ground Squirrel Management. California Macadamia Association 2020 Year Book. August.
- Whitesell, C; Quinn, N (2021). Summertime California Ground Squirrel Management. Green Bulletin.
- Macon, DK; Whitesell, C (2020). Selecting a Livestock Guardian Dog Puppy. University of California Cooperative Extension Livestock Protection Tools Fact Sheets.