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John M Harper

Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor - Emeritus
UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE)
890 North Bush Street
Ukiah, CA 95482
jmharper@ucanr.edu Create VCard

Also in:
Lake County


John attended both UC Davis and the University of Arizona. His undergraduate degree is in animal science and agricultural economics with emphasis in business management. His graduate studies were in range management and his thesis research was on grazing behavior. He is a member of both the Society for Range Management and the American Society for Animal Science and served as president of the Cal-Pac section of SRM in 2008. He holds license #23 as a Certified Rangeland Manager by the California Board of Forestry and is also a Certified Rangeland Professional #CP01-495. Presently he is the secretary/treasurer for the Mendocino/Lake Wool Growers Association and is ad hoc Director of the Mendocino/Lake County Cattlemen’s Association. 2022 marks 31 years as the UCCE Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor in Mendocino and Lake Counties. During that time he has served as County Director in both Mendocino and Lake Counties off and on for a little less than half that time. He served, statewide, from 2014 to 2017 as the UC ANR Strategic Initiative Leader for Sustainable Natural Ecosystems.


M.S. Range Management, University of Arizona. 1992
B.S. Animal Science & Ag. Economics - Ag. Science & Management, University of California Davis. 1980


  • Mendocino County Agriculturalist of the Year - 2022
    Presented by 12th District Agricultural Association Redwood Empire Fair,  https://www.redwoodempirefair.com/,  2022
  • 2019 Range Manager of the Year
    Presented by California-Pacific Section of the Society for Range Management,  https://casrm.rangelands.org/HTML/awards.html,  2019
  • JCWRE Paper of the Year
    Presented by Universities Council on Water Resources,  https://ucowr.org/awards/past-recipients/#JCWREaward,  2018
  • Golden Fleece Award - Lifetime Achievement
    Presented by California Wool Growers Associaton,  2017
  • Outstanding Achievement Award - Stewardship
    Presented by Society of Range Management,  2015
  • Western Extension Directors' Association Award of Excellence - Rangeland Watershed Program
    Presented by Western Region Extension,  2012
  • Webpage Award - Silver
    Presented by Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals,  2011
  • Western Extension Directors' Association Award of Excellence - Farm Water Quality Planning Project
    Presented by Western Region Extension,  2008
  • Outstanding Teamwork Distinguished Service Award
    Presented by UC ANR,  2006
  • DANR North Coast & Mountain Region Certificate of Recognition for Implementation of State Rangeland Water Quality Plan
    Presented by UC ANR,  2001


Sheep & goat production, range cattle production, rangeland, watershed, water quality, computer applications.

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