The University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) which is part of the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) is the bridge between local issues and the power of UC Research. UC ANR's advisors, specialists and faculty bring practical, science-based answers to Californians.
The mission of the University of California Cooperative Extension is to extend information developed at the University of California to enhance quality of life and the environmental and economic well-being of the citizens of California through research and education.
Cooperative Extension has research support and organizational capacity in agriculture and natural resources, in family and consumer sciences, in community resources development and in youth development. UC ANR advisors are housed in County Cooperative Extension offices throughout California. These advisors extend knowledge and conduct applied research in selected Cooperative Education program areas. Specialists housed on University campuses also conduct research and work with advisors in the counties to provide locally relevant information.
In Alameda County, UCCE programs include UC Master Gardeners, 4-H Youth Development, UC Calfresh Healthy Living, UC Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), Specialty Crops, Community Development, Urban Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Urban Forestry, Livestock and Natural Resources, Human-Wildlife Interaction, Organic Materials Management, and Environmental Horticulture.

County: Santa Clara County
UCCE Santa Clara County
1553 Berger Drive, Bldg 1
2nd Floor
San Jose, CA 95112
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